Legalized Propaganda and Our Fight for the Truth!

Legalized Propaganda

Propaganda a term that has been applied to both the free and enslaved individuals of our realm. This term seems to be of the norm when referring to a society, especially during and after WWII. Hitler and Goebbels are the most infamous duo of this artform. Its purpose is to rightfully divide the critical thinkers of a controlled society. As well as to ensure the deflation of those who can discern truth from lies or fact from fiction. Propaganda is the distortion of information to manipulate people's thoughts and actions. You could argue that propaganda may be used for good or evil, good in the sense of leading your targeted individuals away from a possible threat or area of danger. But more often than not it is used to force the opposition of those administrating it to bend the knee in compliance to the ones administering this social-controlling tool. Jacques Ellul in his book - Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes. Wrote extensively on this topic. Ellul was a philosopher on technology and wrote on its harm on the mind. He wrote that propaganda was a sociological phenomenon and that: 

"Only in the technological society can there be anything of the type and order of magnitude of modern propaganda, which is with us forever, and only with the all-pervading effects that flow from propaganda can the technological society hold itself together and further expand. Most people are easy prey for propaganda." 

As technology increased, it is only a given that propaganda will increase in strength and have a serious long-lasting effect on the mind of its inhabitants. With the - Tell-A-Vison in virtually every home, it became standard and even obvious that those on the receiving end of the TV screen would in fact be caught in the crossfire of propaganda. Hence with TV you serf "channels" and indulge "programs". Yes, that is right - we are getting programed with channels. Here we are in the second decade of the 21st century and instead of the long tentacles of propaganda only reaching us through the TV and radio, it now puts us in a every increasing, never releasing, trance with computers and smartphones. Have you ever wondered how we entered this point of propaganda? It's clearly from - social media and constant communication at our fingertips every hour on the hour.  

Let's go back to 1948. After WWII, Harry Truman signed - the Smith-Mundt Act (Public Law 402) prohibited the government from further propagandizing its own public and controlling the narrative. In 1942 the US created its own propaganda outlet calledVoice of America (VOA), it is the state-owned international radio broadcaster of the United States. It is the largest and oldest US - funded international broadcaster. The SMA of 1948 would establish that the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), Voice of America (VOA), and Radio Free Europe (RFE), the U.S. State Department and Office of Public Affairs could not be authorized to propagate propaganda to foreign publics but of course they were prohibited from releasing that same type of propaganda in the US for public minds. To state plainly our government was permitted to lie to people in other countries, but not to citizens here in the US. The original Act of 1948 was lifted in 2012. It was signed into law by President Obama, it was the - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. This allowed the same propaganda to be used by our government to foreign publics, to now be released in the US for the first time and used on Americans. Thats right our government is now allowed to create propaganda specifically tailored for the US public. They can now use any media they see fit, while remaining anonymous as the source of the material being reported. Now you know why propaganda events like - Russia Gate and Spy Gate happened to Trump and why his berating term "Fake News!" was used on the daily. Keep in mind Trump and his party can and probably did use propaganda against us as well, and so can Biden today. The war we are currently in, is for the mind. TPTB and the Media have nothing holding them back at launch on onslaught of misinformation and disinformation on its citizens.  

Our Fight for the Truth

What are we going to do about it? Fight for truth and do some critical thinking - but most of all, study and read history, so we can learn from the mistakes of those in the past. We have to realize that they who scream loudest are most likely using propaganda against us. In Robert A. Issaks book - Individuals and World Politics, he writes:  

"Revolutions occur when some of the people making up a nation no longer recognize the state or organization governing their lives as legitimate. This is why the elite controlling a state is often willing to use any means to maintain its legitimacy, from everyday lying, to ideological propaganda, to the declaration of needless wars. Elites often use the myth of sovereignty to maintain their legitimacy. Sovereignty is where legitimacy lies in a nation-state. Monarchs in monarchies trace sovereignty to themselves: "I am the state." Members of democratic elites in democracies trace sovereignty to the people: "We represent the people." Both claims are myths, or frozen cultural beliefs, used by elites to manipulate the masses for their own ends." pg.12)

If we can just recognize we are being played on all sides. Left vs. Right and that the whole political divide is a scam, designed to divide and conquer us. Maybe unity is our greatest asset. TPTB have done a great job in separating us into camps or tribes. TPTB have all the tools to control us both socially and economically. With smartphones jammed in our face constantly - no wonder the rise of mental illness keeps increasing. Haven't you ever wondered about the connection between - LifeLog and Facebook? Was it a mere coincidence that on the very same day that Facebook launched – February 4, 2004 – a Pentagon civilian spy project called LifeLog shut down? DARPA and the Pentagon-sponsored this project. It was set up to collect data on all individuals. DARPA functions as the Defense Department’s research branch and is responsible for spending an insane amount of taxpayer dollars to conduct Black Operations, secret from public scrutiny. Now think about how Tik-Tok is hypnotizing you (tik-tok,tik-tok,tik-tok) like a watch dangling in your face all day brainwashing you and your children. We have become slaves to our devises, and with this newfound tech, propaganda will be siphoned into our brains to mold us into subservient slaves to our overseers. 

A great deal of our history in the US public school system is propaganda. Designed to whitewash reputations and celebrate the role of TPTB, and to erase their crimes and exploitation. Thanks to the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, who supplied endless money, the public-school systems of the early 20th century were induced with propaganda. This idea by them was intended to make us less critical of those with great wealth, and therefore less critical of how our society works in Favour of the 1% or the top of the pyramid. In 1902 John D. Rockefeller, created - The General Education Board. He donated an initial $1,000,000 dollars to its cause. The Rockefeller family would eventually give over $180 million to fund the General Education Board. This Board was not interested in teaching critical thinking skills. Rather, its wants and desires were on organizing children and creating reliable, pliable, predictable, obedient citizens for future enslavement.

Eric Hoffer in his masterpiece - the True Believer, alludes to the nature of mass movements. Looking around today in 2022, it's without a doubt that propaganda has been used along with mass-hypnosis to create a new mass movement, ready to usher in Agenda2030 and the Technological Singularity. Here Hoffer writes on the false impression of those joining in a mass movement.

"The impression that mass movements, and revolutions in particular, are born of the resolve of the masses to overthrow a corrupt and oppressive tyranny and win for themselves freedom of action, speech, and conscience has its origin in the din of words let loose by the intellectual originators of the movement in their skirmishes with prevailing order. The fact that mass movements as they arise often manifest less individual freedom than the order they supplant, is usually ascribed to the trickery of a power-hungry clique that kidnaps the movement at a critical stage and cheats the masses of the freedom about to dawn. Actually, the only people cheated in the process are the intellectual precursors. They rise against the established order, deride its irrationality and incompetence, denounce its illegitimacy and oppressiveness, and call for freedom of self-expression and self-realization." pg. 129)

When you see politicians act like they are on your side, take a second look and do some critical thinking. All they want is to remain in power or stay in power because of the deals they made with other countries and leaders. Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely...

Eric Hoffer - The True Believer
Robert A. Isaak - Individuals And World Politics
Jacques Ellul - Propaganda The Formation Of Men's Attitudes


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