Gold confiscation is NOT a myth
The Confiscation Of Gold
The World Conspiracy by Nicola M. Nikolov on pg. 20-22)
"Inflation could be created by gathering all the gold and silver coins in the country and replacing them with coins made of cheap metals like copper and aluminum, which was the case in the United States during the administration of Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960's. The same is true of bills which, like coins, do not have any gold backing. The United States had their currency backed by gold until 1933, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered all Americans to sell their gold and gold coins to the banks. People turned them over to the Federal Reserve Bank, which paid them with bills. According to the law, anyone who did not obey the order could be fined $10k and sentenced to ten years in prison. That same year, after most of the gold was collected, the president ordered a devaluation of the currency and announced that the government must buy the same gold from the Federal Reserve at a higher price. This meant that the value of the currency paid to the people for their gold depreciated by about 30%. In only five months, with the help of the president, the so-called Federal Reserve made substantial profits. The same thing happened to silver. Under the pretext of assisting the American silver mines...the confiscation of all private gold was an action specifically designed to benefit the international bankers. IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA TO INVEST IN GOLD BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT CAN CONFISCATE IT IN A PERFECTLY LEGAL WAY. IN THE UNITED STATES, AS WELL AS IN MANY OTHER COUNTRIES, THERE EXISTS A LAW WHICH GIVES THE GOVERNMENT THE RIGHT TO CONFISCATE ITS CITIZENS GOLD IN CASE OF EMERGENCY." pg.20-22)
Gold confiscation was one measure that helped the US recover from the Great Depression. What’s the likelihood that we might see a repeat of this draconian solution should the US fall into another depression? Very likely - if there is anything we learned it is the comparison between the "New Deal" of FDR to the "Green New Deal" by the Far-Left. The comparisons are pretty staggering in fact. Now here we are, in the transition of the Great Reset. As the old decaying traditions of America are being destroyed, burned, retaught, and removed - what will this future hold. I see a Civil War on the horizon. The Green New Deal and Build Back Better are both the key words and playbooks for our elite global masters. The only way to Build Back, is if it is destroyed and can't function properly, of course that means our government will offer us a "new deal" I hear on podcast and on radio shows to invest in Gold and Silver constantly. Is this a wise plan if the government can confiscate it anyways. You be the judge...
- The “Trading with the Enemy” Act of 1917 Is Still Active This act allows the President of the United States to prohibit, regulate, and investigate any form of financial transaction including gold and silver during a time of war or national emergency. This law was put into effect in 1933 by FDR and again in 1947 by President Truman. United States Code, 12 U.S.C.A. Sec 95a, states that:
“(1) During the time of war, the President may...(a) investigate, regulate, or prohibit, any transactions in foreign exchange, transfers of credit or payments between, by, through, or to any banking institution, and the importing, exporting, hoarding, melting, or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion, currency or securities…”
- Executive Order 6102 (1933) which forbade the "hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States,"
- A provision of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, the ESF is an emergency reserve fund under the jurisdiction of the US Treasury Department whose chief purpose is to facilitate foreign exchange interventions.
- The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) Correspondence. In 2005, there was a correspondence between GATA and the Treasury concerning fears of the government’s authority to seize precious metals. According to GATA, “the Treasury Department was surprisingly candid in that correspondence, asserting the U.S. Government's authority, in declared emergencies, to confiscate precious metals and to restrict ownership of mining shares -- and to confiscate and restrict every other financial asset as well.
- In 2012, Executive Order 13603--the National Defense Resources Preparedness Act--was signed by President Barack Obama. This gave the president the authority to seize control of all resources on US soil, yes that's right “all resources.”
We are not as free as you think. Freedom and Liberty are very subjective...
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