Experts Say // Intro pt.1
Intro "experts say" "experts warn" "trust the experts" We've all read these headlines on a daily basis, and as we scroll on our smartphones, to the point our eyes glaze over, we without even realizing it, are under a consent barrage of wordplay and expert social engineering. But who are they these so- called experts ? Experts are the ones with college degrees, the ones with letters next to their names. They are the ones that rub elbows with social aristocrat's and enthusiastic-capitalist technocrats. The elite of our day are the modern day - Intellectual . With the rise of social media, it has become ever increasing with experts especially now that we are in full swing of the - Information Age and the Great Reset . Social media has become the outlet for these experts with their podcasts, numerous blogs, Twitter post and subreddits. They have become almost - dare I say idols. We have propped them up o...